I met Michelle two years ago. The first night I met her she told me her birthday was Nov 21st. And I said, “Oh, you’re a Scorpio. They’re supposed to be shrewd, you know?”. It was something she would never let me forget. She would always say “Oh yeah, I’m the shrewd one” or “You called me shrewd” – and then just laugh when I tried to talk my way out of it.
She soon ended up moving to an apartment a couple of blocks from our bachelor pad where John Farley, Zach Nieman, and I live. She instantly brightened up our home by bringing over flowers, cookies and showing up for breakfast on Sunday mornings. Over the two years I knew her we shared many good times. We had similar tastes in movies, books and music. We’d go on all day bike rides and hikes. We talked constantly about places we wanted to visit – Hawaii, Argentina, Arizona, and one of her last fascinations – Catalina. Michelle had a million dreams.
We’d meet once a week to watch our favorite show ‘Mad Men’ and take turns providing dinner. She loved the complex characters and the 60’s fashions.
Michelle loved Frank Sinatra’s music. Once, she and I went to see a Rat Pack tribute show. We laughed at ourselves for being the only people in the audience under 65. But, then we went back the next night to see the same show again.
I’ll never forget our Memorial Day trip to Cannon Beach and her teaching us how to clam in her pink rubber boots. We went to breakfast at Pig n’ pancake and had banana pancakes while some of the others on our trip had healthy organic breakfast. Michelle out hiked all of us and upset our healthy hikers by going to fast. One of the hikers angrily stated that he was sorry he couldn’t keep up with the ‘Almighty Gribble’ and of course she loved the nickname.
For July 4th, 2009 we went camping at Crater Lake with a large group of our friends. The weekend was a blast and Michelle, who had just gotten her new Camera, was enjoying taking pictures of nature and of all of us jumping off the 30 ft cliff into Crater Lake. She also got some great shots of me chickening out on my first attempt – but like a true friend she never showed those to anybody.
One year ago this week we went on hike around Silver Falls. It was a beautiful day of being goofy and sharing stories. I remember Michelle spotted a huge owl in one of the trees an we got some great pictures of it. On the way back we spontaneously stopped at Oktoberfest in Mt Angel. The day seemed almost too perfect.
Six months ago we went to Southern California to visit with some friends who were vacationing down there. She asked if there was anything I’d like to do while I was down there. I told her that there were some museums I’d like to visit and that I’d like to visit Elvis’ California homes. She instantly planned our itinerary and bought tickets for all the events. I don’t think she was much of an Elvis fan but she was a great sport and was glad to follow me on my silly adventures. The trip was incredible. We visited the Reagan museum and got to tour Air Force One, we visited Elvis’ two California homes and I got a great picture of Michelle finding her ‘Zen’ on Elvis’ personal meditation rock, we went to the Getty museum, and went rock climbing in the Mojave dessert. When it was all over with I asked her what her favorite part of the trip was and she said it was when I pushed her around on the shopping cart at Costco. I’ve never met somebody who appreciated the little things so much. And while she wasn’t a huge Elvis fan she did like one particular song - ‘Pocketful Of Rainbows’ and once had her facebook status as ‘Got a pocketful of rainbows, Got a heart full of love’.
She loved to cut my hair and pick out clothes for me. She listened to me play guitar for hours and gave me suggestions on arranging songs. Basically she spoiled me rotten.
Michelle and I tried to go out for breakfast every Sunday. One of her favorite dishes was the French toast from Cadillac Café. We also both loved Nuestra Cocina, Elenis and late night happy hour at Papa Hadyn’s.
A few months ago I watched a 1978 movie titled ‘Days of Heaven’. The film won an Oscar for best Cinematography. The film is comprised of beautiful dreamlike images of beautiful landscapes; lazy days spent dreaming, and the joys of everyday life. After watching it I loaned it to Michelle and she loved it.
The film made me think about my youth and all the good times I spent with my grandparents and childhood friends wandering around the small towns I grew up in. I now realize that Michelle helped me recapture a lot of the happiness and wonderment of life.
Recently someone asked me who my best friend in Portland was and I said Michelle to which she pumped her hands in the air and gave out a ‘Woot woot’. Her face was beaming and I think it meant a lot to her. As for me, I’m very proud to be able to have called her my friend. She was an Angel.
Losing Michelle has made me realize what a great life I have had and how blessed I was to have been loved by her. She was the sweetest and fun loving person I’ve ever known. She was elegant, creative, and beautiful. She was caring, loving, thoughtful, funny and conscientious. She was a lady but loved a good dirty joke. Her love and friendship is something I will treasure for the rest of my life. I’ll search for her beautiful smile and blue eyes in my dreams and I’ll look forward to the day I get to see her again.